Sunday, 11 December 2011


I know a lot of gay people and one of my best friends is gay; he's known his orientation since he was quite young but only came out of the metaphorical closet about a year ago. Many people say that homosexuality is a choice and that they CHOOSE to be that way, but my question to those people is: when did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual? The answer is that you didn't, you just DON'T choose, you don't look at someone and decide you like their gender, that's not the way it works! People are born as they are and the world would be a whole lot happier if there was equality and acceptance. 

I think some homophobic people are under the assumption that the gay people are going to chase them down the streets trying to dry hump them. It's so irrational to think that gay people don't have the same rights as heterosexuals. We're all people! This just brings us back to the days where black people were discriminated against, and to what end? It took a long time but they have rights now aswell, and once certain people get a grip on themselves then gay people will be treated with the same respect as everyone else. 

Unfortunately that's just not happening now! They're not allowed to marry or adopt, in some countries gay people aren't allowed to give blood despite the shortage at donor banks, the list goes on and there are many people who stand back and watch this, including some who actually cheer this on.

Just to clarify because sometimes these terms are confused: homosexuality is attraction to the same sex, bisexuality is attraction to both sexes and heterosexuality is attraction to strictly the opposite sex. 

Despite laws that say otherwise, gay people receive the greatest percentage of harassment in the workplace. In fact, Ireland is lucky when compared with America; some states in the country are still legally allowed to fire gay people simply because of their sexual orientation. Everyone needs to chill out! Being around a gay person does not make you gay in the same way as being around someone who is religious doesn't make you adopt their beliefs. You are what you are.

And on another note, you can be completely heterosexual but still have certain curiosities about the same sex. There's nothing wrong with that, and when some people leave the family home and attend college there is a certain independence that comes with it that can lead to experimentation. It doesn't make someone gay and hey, everyone's dabbled! There shouldn't be anywhere NEAR as much judgement!


This is one of the most common STDs around the place, so it's kind of like potatoes in an irish kitchen, meaning EVERYWHERE! Chlamydia is very dangerous because it often has no symptoms and if it's left untreated it can cause serious problems in later life (you know, when you grow out of the 'party til you vomit in your hair' lifestyle!) This is why it's called the 'silent' disease. 

Those of us women who DO have symptoms often experience: 
An increase in vaginal discharge, the need to leg it to the bathroom to pee more frequently, burning stabby sensation when urinating, pain during sex, irregular bleeding during your period or bleeding after sex and pains in your lower abdomen. (Check that one twice though, you could just be having a bit of bother digesting a curry!) 
Chlamydia can also, if left untreated, leave women infertile if the fallopian tubes become scarred. This is very serious and irreversible so take the time for an STD test.

Men have more noticeable symptoms than women so it's much easier to diagnose, these include: 
A white/cloudy and watery discharge from the penis that may stain underwear (as if it's not stained enough already...), a burning sensation when peeing and pain or swelling in the balls (testicles, just to be scientific). 

It can be transmitted by having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex with someone who is infected.This disease is an excellent example of why you should always go to a health clinic regularly, make a point of doing it twice a year on principle and if you have any itchy itchies going on down there ASSUME it is not a good thing and get your ass to the doctors! 


Genital warts; these little bundles of fun are highly contagious and, like herpes, are transmitted through skin to skin contact during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected partner. 
Surprisingly, of those infected with genital warts it is estimated that only between 1% and 5%  actually develop genital warts, but those infected can still transmit the virus to other people. Really, there's no point taking chances, because in the world of STDs everything is pot luck!


In women they occur on the outside and inside of the vagina, on the opening (cervix) to the womb and around or inside the anus. Rarely, genital warts also can develop in the mouth or throat of a person who has had oral sex with an infected person. I don't know about the rest of you but this really wouldn't be my idea of a good time!


They are usually seen on the tip of the penis so keep an eye out lads! They also may be found on the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, or around (or inside) the anus. 
If an individual has unprotected sex with their fix for the night, there is a 70% chance that he or she will also become infected. There is no cure for genital warts, but there are methods to treat them. Although treatment can remove them, they do not remove the disease so warts can recur after treatment (about 50–73% of the time) 


Gonorrhea not only sounds like Godzilla (big dinosaur-crocodile thing that tore about buildings somewhere...) it also causes mass destruction, only this time to your genitals rather than sky scrapers. Now I don't know anyone who has gonorrhea (probably because it's not the thing you go shouting through the streets to announce!) but I do know a bit about it. 
Before I start, the good news is that it's completely treatable! I like to get the happy parts out first! 
Just to start, it grows easily in the warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes (egg canals) in women, AND in the urethra in both sexes, so nobody's escaping! The bacteria in gonorrhea can also grow in the mouth, throat, eyes, and anus. Very pleasant.

The main problem with gonorrhea is that it's very sneaky, some people who have gonorrhea have absolutely no symptoms, and if they do they're very mild and can be passed off as a urinary tract infection. Basically, some symptoms in women are that it burns when you pee, increased vaginal discharge or excess bleeding during periods. In men, a burning sensation when peeing, or a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis. Sometimes they can get painful or swollen testicles. I wouldn't know but some of my guy friends spend so much time with their hands down their pants they could ALL have gonorrhea and wouldn't know it! Chances are that's just down to testosterone though.

Oh you can get gonorrhea in the bum as well, this is probably more a concern to homosexual males but can apply to heterosexual couples as well. Whatever floats your boat! (PS. The boat floats happier with a condom on!) 



NEVER TRUST A COLDSORE! Or HSV1 if you will. This is the first strain and let's be honest, so many people have the virus it's just counted as normal and something you get when you have a cold. There are plenty of reasons why coldsores are scary though and a lot of people are reckless about them. 



Number one, and I must stress this, never EVER give oral sex to someone when you have a coldsore because the chances of them getting the second strain, HSV2, is very high if not inevitable. In fact, these days the most reported way of getting HSV2, or genital herpes, is through mouth to genital contact. Scary thought isn't it? Even when you don't have an open sore you should stay clear of the nether regions as you can STILL pass it on even if there is no visible coldsore. 
Number two, don't kiss someone when you have a coldsore, especially if you've craftily covered it up with make up to fool them when you're out in a club to get the shift! It's not fair to give someone else HSV1 when it could've been avoided.

HSV2 is a much more inconvenient version of the above; if you think you've got it bad with blistery cold sores that are unsightly, embarrassing and really sore, think again! HSV2 infects the genitals and the area around the genitals, it is transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact and some people notice itching, tingling or other sensations before they see anything on their skin. All forms of sex, oral or otherwise, should be avoided in times of a breakout and you should be careful to wash your hands after touching the sore, but try and avoid it, herpes is easily killed with soap and water! Just keep your hands to yourself and let it run its course, it's not a spot so don't start squeezing the crap out of it because you'll just make it worse! 
OH! Bad news, herpes can also be transmitted to places like your nostrils and your eyes so in case the last sentence didn't hit home, hopefully this one will! 

                     GENITAL HERPES IN WOMEN:                     



Just to finish up, be very careful when having sex with someone who has herpes, if you choose to, and always wear protection. CONDOMS CONDOMS CONDOMS! They are the only barrier method that offers ANY protection from STDs. Once you have herpes, you have it for life! However, it's not the end of the world or the end of your sex life, there's medication you can take to lessen outbreaks and the length of them and you can still have sex but you should tell your partner beforehand and make sure you use a condom.